Désirée Leemets plays Triple A Country Western and Southern rock music in Nashville, Tennessee. Singer, songwriter, performer, Recording artist, outstanding musician and guitar player. Extraordinary music for extraordinary times. Desiree was born in NYC, NY & grew up in New Paltz, NY. She spent six years in Virginia and attended Old Dominion University on a tennis scholarship where she majored in International Marketing. She took a summer off to compete in the European professional tennis circuit. She enjoyed music as a release from the pressures of sports but, she soon realized that music had become the dominating force in her life and it became a full time pursuit. Her sharply honed performance skills can be attributed to several years traveling & performing solo throughout the US & Europe. Website design, graphics, Java scripting, programming and search engine optimization by Infinitee Web Designs. Desiree is a very dear old friend from our younger days in NYC.
If you believe, all the dreams in your heart can come true… Disney
The Désirée’s Music website was built on the Drupal CMS platform with PHP, HTML, XHTML & Java Script., custom slick photo galleries and custom views. Custom mobile first Bootstrap child theme, templates and modules, CSS, search engine optimization (SEO), programming and custom graphics. Loaded with client side page creation and editing, image and media uploading and input capabilities. Web design, programming, MySQL databases, custom logo and graphics by Infinitee Web Design.