Perfect Meta Tags Tutorial – How to write your own perfect Meta Tags
Perfect Meta Tags Tutorial – What you need to know about writing Meta Tags – The trick is in proper preparation, research and wording of your meta tags. Meta tags are behind the scenes (placed within the HTML code between the <head> </head> tags) scripted instructions that suggest to the search engines how to list your pages and what the page’s general contents is within that particular page. There are also meta tags to state copyright, date of creation, dates that the content becomes valid and ends. (like special event announcements) .
Other meta tags declare the type of document that is being presented while others request that the search engines catalog all the content on the page and follow all links on the page for indexing as well. There are many more tags but, these are the most important. Keep in mind that you need to create unique meta tags for each page that want cataloged by the search engines. Repeated & duplicate meta tags on multiple pages will be ignored and could do more harm than good.
If you are using Drupal, WordPress or some other CMS (Content Management System) then you will want to use a module or plugin that will help you add your meta tags on each page as you create them. For Drupal 7, 8 and 9 it is the Meta Tags module or the highly recommended Yoast – Real-time SEO for Drupal module and for Drupal 6 this module is the Nodewords module. Yoast SEO for WordPress is by far the best!
Note: If you are still running your site on the now unsupported Drupal 6, you are running the risk of security loop holes and it is highly recommended to upgrade to Drupal 8!
Even if you use a module to help you create your meta tags, this tutorial can help you to understand the best practices for working with them. There are specific limitations and if you abide by the rules you will have a much better chance of being successful in achieving a good page rank and higher placement.
Meta Tags In Nutshell:
- Title: 60-65 characters including spaces and punctuation. No more, no less!
- Description: 130-140 characters including spaces and punctuation. No more, no less!
- Keywords: Optional and not necessary any more… Don’t waist your time with them!
For Yoast SEO users:
Basically, copy your page title and use 3-4 words of it for your focus keyphrase, title, Meta description and first sentence of the page/post.
My front page Yoast SEO inputs:
Focus keyphrase:
Delaware Graphic Art
SEO title
Delaware Graphic Art Web Design Company – Artist Ralph Hawke Manis
Meta description
Delaware Graphic Art and Web Design Company with 25+ years experience. Rehoboth Beach graphic art and web design company experts in graphics.
Tip: Click on the SEO analysis for helpful suggestions on how to better your SEO inputs.
Perfect Meta Tags Tutorial Descriptions of the most basic and important Meta Tags:
Title Meta Tag Example:
<title>Search engine optimization submissions SEO and Meta Tags</title>
Description Meta Tag Example:
meta name=”description” content=”Search Engine optimization SEO submissions placement and meta tags ranking How to write perfect Meta Tags tutorial”>
Keywords Meta Tag Example:
meta name=”keywords” content=”Search Engines, optimization, submissions, placement, rankings, SEO, Search engine optimization, meta tags, How to write, perfect Meta Tags, Meta Tags tutorials, Infinitee, Delaware Web designers, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Delmarva, Web, sites, pages, designers, building, prices, specializing, experts, navigation, Websites, Websites, Webmasters, Internet, graphics, portfolios, e-commerce, hosting, domain names, solutions, Meta Tags, credit cards, small, medium, sizes, businesses, Java Script, DHTML, HTML, search, engines, optimization, submissions, help, tutorials, tips, tricks, tools”>
Note: Google does not take into consideration the “keywords” meta tag any more and has not for years but, some other search engines do. Still, it is not worth the time to bother with them.
The importance of the textual content of your pages:
Example: If your website is about selling 3D widgets then you should have 3D widgets mentioned in your title, in your description, in your keywords and within the body of text on the page for it to be effective. Also, while contemplating the textual content of your web page and meta tags, try considering what your target visitors might submit as a search query to find your website’s or products and list those search terms and phrases in these four standard elements.
Quality linking and Google page rank: (How high your site is listed in the search engines, listing 1-40 or worse, not at all?)
This is why it is more important to try to exchange links with quality sites with similar content. Quantity is important too but, it is better to have ten well ranked sites linking to yours than have a thousand incoming links from sites that don’t have any Google rank at all!
Submitting to the top Search Engines: