Customer Testimonials – What our friends and clients are saying about Infinitee Designs and artist Ralph Hawke Manis
My most humble thanks to all of our friends and clients that keep us young and on our toes!
Dear Ralph Manis, Infinitee Design
It is with huge gratitude that I write this letter of reference.
Thank you for creating the largest, most popular HBOT website in the world. Stats show that we receive over 10,000 new visitors per month & it is the “go to” site when people are searching for answers. My office phone rings off the hook with people who found us on the internet.
Your response to our need was immediate in 2007, I know you initially worked day & night to put it together so quickly.
Over the years your response time to questions was again immediate. Like an “on-call doctor” for our cyber belly-ache needs. In addition, your creative input with logos & formats were so much fun to chose from. Your insight is keen, your suggestions are always hip to the trends, your creativity continues to deepen & surprise me with delight. Not only are you a technical cyber genius, my family & I always enjoy your new sci-fi art developments. An artist down to the marrow!
It’s been a colorful journey knowing you all of these years. Thank you for your support & sharing your precious energy with us at Harch Hyperbarics. Thanks to you for’s foundation & for helping Edward with difficult questions, our site is the best in the world. It’s not just because I say so, stats prove it!
Your dedication to your work is evident, I just want you to know how much we appreciate you.
I have 5 websites all designed and maintained by Infinitee Web Design. The majority of the graphics on the sites, as well as many of the photographs, were also done by Ralph Manis, the Web Master. I have received so many wonderful comments from our customers who have visited our sites!
I can’t speak praises high enough for the work Ralph Manis at Infinitee Designs has done for our company.
He has done everything from designing numerous web sites, banners, logos, and much more… He has also been key in getting us on to the top pages of search engines.
His web savvy and artistic input has been a major factor in the growth of our company.
Ralph re-invented and refined my website to make me look like the professional I am! He has always taken care of my website needs in a timely manner and I think everyone should be so lucky to have someone like him. Thank you Ralph.
We at Jobe’s Landscape Inc. have used the excellent services of Infinitee Designs for all of our website needs for many, many years. Ralph Manis is extremely creative and has overhauled and redesigned our entire site. We have had many positive comments from customers saying they chose us to do business with because of our website. Ralph is great to work with and very accommodating. He is quick to respond when a problem arises or we are in need of additions or changes. We have no reason to look anywhere else for our website services.
Infinitee Designs built and serviced my website to the highest standards for many years. Administration feedback was always prompt, clear and professional. Ralph Manis solved any problems with a minimum of fuss, which meant my admin stress was kept low and I could focus on the purpose of the website instead of heavy time-suck duties that can be associated with web site upkeep.
Ralph Manis’ true master skill is in his 3D artworks and art design for which I have had the privilege of being the recipient of several examples. Anyone wishing to see a master artist bring a subject to life on screen or page should not hesitate to engage Ralph’s service.
De Chao Peterson
Author of Cygnus award winning Citadel 7 Earth’s Secret trilogy – Citadel 7 Website
We worked with Ralph as we instituted a new Website. His work in the areas of design and layout were superior. He took hold of the project, taking pictures of the work that we have done in years past in order to personalize our site. Not being tech savvy as most people are, we appreciate the fact that he was available for follow up and training when we ran into problems after the site was up an running. Great customer service! Thanks Ralph. From Cosmic Custom Screen Printing & Embroidery.
Ralph the owner of Infinitee Web Design has done three websites for me. He has the latest cutting edge software to bring in the most business. He is a pleasure to work with and charges reasonable rates for creating a custom and very professional looking website. I highly recommend using him as your web designer.
Evan Jakub – Apple Parking | NYC Auto Detailing | I Get it Sold LLC
Thanks to Ralph Manis and Infinitee Web Design, is now the largest and most visited hyperbaric oxygen therapy website in the world and it’s ranking is number one!
Customer Testimonials – Infinitee Designs & WordPress Web Design
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How to Use These Bryce 3D Materials
Free Bryce 3D Materials Downloads – Multi use materials that can be applied to any object in Bryce 3D. Download, unzip and save to a folder of your choice. Open Bryce 3D, create an object and click “Ctrl+M” or the “M” in the attributes menu to open the “Material Lab” Click the arrow top right of the preview window to open the materials library. Click “User” then, the import link and find the desired material for import on your computer and select it and open. Click the check marks to apply to the object.
These materials are intended to aid in educating students and speed up projects for advanced users and production houses. They are for personal and or, commercial use and please, feel free to enhance them in any way you like. Anyone that would like to submit a material for the Bryce users community are welcome to do so by contacting me. Enjoy!
By downloading, you agree to the Free Downloads Agreement.
How to Use These Bryce 3D Materials
To use these free materials… After downloading, double click to unzip the file and then copy/paste file to the folder of your choice.
How To Import a Material into Bryce:
Open Bryce and create a simple default object.
Click “Ctrl+M” or the “M” on the attributes menu to open the “Material Lab”.
Click the down arrow next to the upper left hand window to open the materials library.
Click down arrow on the bottom left and select “User”.
Click the import link and find the desired material for import on your computer, select it and hit “Open”.
Click the check mark to load the material into the library.
To Apply a Material to an Object:
Open Bryce and create a simple default object or, open one of your own.
Click “Ctrl+M” or the “M” on the attributes menu to open the “Material Lab”
Click the down arrow next to the upper left hand window to open the materials library.
Click down arrow on the bottom left and select “User” library.
Click material to select it and hit the check mark to apply it.
You can then tweak it to your hearts desire. Click the check mark to apply to object.
These materials are free for personal and commercial use as long as you have fun with them and hopefully, learn more about 3D modeling, animation and special effects! Please let us know what you create, I would love to see what you do with them.
Ralph Manis
Free Downloads Agreement
Infinitee Designs Free Downloads and Submissions Agreement
By downloading any of the 3D models, wallpaper, tutorials or, any other free stuff from the Infinitee Designs Website you and/or, your company explicitly agree with these following terms and conditions:
Infinitee Designs and all it’s content is copyrighted by Infinitee Designs and Ralph Manis, with the exception of the artist of the Month exhibits in which content is copyrighted the respective artists. All of the models, wallpaper, texture maps and free stuff available on the Infinitee Designs Website maybe used royalty free in your own work but, may not be redistributed, sold, used in part or, in whole for any commercially or, for profit related purposes of any kind without written permission.
If your are submitting your models and or, images for addition to the artist of the Month exhibits or, to be offered in our free stuff for artists section of the Infinitee Designs Website, you state that you are the true creator and copyright owner of the submitted material. Also, you and or, your company agree to willingly and fully grant Infinitee Designs the rights to distribute the submitted works without compensation with these same restrictions to the general public. Of course, you will retain all copyrights to your rightful submissions and will be given full credit as to ownership and not hold either Infinitee Designs or, Ralph Manis responsible for any misuse of your material.
Thank you for being and helping your fellow artists!
Ralph Manis
Infinitee Designs
How to Use These Free Maya 3D Models
How to Use These Free Maya 3D Models
To use these free models… After downloading, double click to unzip the file and then copy/paste file to any folder you desire.
Open Maya and hit: File > Import Option Box > Edit > Reset Settings > Import. Find the folder that you placed the model file into and select.
These models are free for personal use as long as you have fun with them and hopefully learn more about 3D modeling, animation and special effects! Whenever possible, please give credit to Infinitee Designs and a link to is always appreciated. Please let me know what you create, I would love to see what you do with them.
Ralph Manis
Infinitee Designs
Bryce Materials Lab
Open Bryce Materials Lab
Select Bryce Material
Load Actions
In the upper right hand corner of the Actions window, hit the down arrow and then, “Load Actions”
Actions Window
Select an action to activate it and run the action by clicking the “Play” arrow on the bottom of the Actions Window.