Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Tips & Tricks for Beginners to Experts
Free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials – Tips & tricks training, education, lessons, layers, fiters, plug-in’s, actions, painting, graphics FX, text effects, lighting special effects, photo editing & working with raw files. Photoshop tutorials, Photoshop text tutorials, Photoshop CS tutorials, beginner Photoshop tutorials, Photoshop Elements tutorials, Photoshop sig tutorials and Photoshop video tutorials.
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Free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials – Tips & tricks training, education, lessons, layers, fiters, plug-in’s, actions, painting, graphics FX, text effects, lighting special effects, photo editing & working with raw files. Photoshop CS2 & CS3 tutorials, Photoshop text tutorials, Photoshop CS tutorials, Photoshop 7 tutorials, beginner Photoshop tutorials, Photoshop Elements tutorials, Photoshop sig tutorials and Photoshop video tutorials.
Quick and easy… Create 3D tentacles splattered in realistic blood.
With the introduction of the Animation palette in Adobe Photoshop CS2, rotoscoping in the world’s most popular pro image editing application has become a reality. Well, almost. As we discussed last week, the trick is getting your animations into Photoshop in the first place. With 8-bit image sequences, the idea is to use ImageReady as a jumping off point. But ImageReady doesn’t support 16-bit images. So how do you get 16-bit sequences into Photoshop while maintaining your original bit depth? By Dave Nagel
In this tutorial l will show you the techniques used to create an ancient grunge scroll.
Ever wanted to resize a group of images or add a watermark to a group of images, but you just didn’t have the time to do it? Well, with Photoshop’s Batch processing capabilities, you can make changes to multiple images all at once. In this video, you’ll learn how to add a watermark to a collection of images all at once.
Create a circular blasted ring effect.
In today’s video tutorial, Geoff Riggs will teach you how to create an elongated shadow cast in front of a block of backlit text.
Painting clouds by Steven Stahlberg. I used Photoshop, but any paint program should work. I start with a ramp like the one on the right; be careful not to use full saturation here. Up to your preference, if you want to make the background a little more purple.
It seems like it would be quite a task to straighten up a picture of an object that was taken at a severe angle. However, Photoshop’s Perspective Cropping feature allows you to do this in one simple step. In this video, you’ll learn how to use this amazing tool in Photoshop.
DPI for Printing or On-Screen Graphics
Learn how to use the right DPI for Printing or On-Screen Graphics.
Quick and easy… Learn how to make a neat looking blasted effect.
This is more of a tip than a tutorial. Im going to explain how to save your renders including the alpha channel, and how to delete the unwanted background in Photoshop.
Learn how to create Force-Lighting as shown in the fabulous STARWARS-movies. In this tutorial, I will show you how to apply this dark-side forcepower to this years winner for best villain: Darth Vader!
Learn how to create a futuristic looking logo-like design.
A twist on the typical glowing text tutorial.
In today’s video tutorial, Geoff will show you how to create and define a custom pattern in Photoshop and then use that pattern to create a grid background for your Photoshop file.
In today’s Photoshop tutorial, Geoff will teach you how to create a very easy, but very effective, white grunge border around your photographs.
How to use Photoshop’s
Pen Tool
This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to use the pen tool. You will learn the basic controls of the pen tool, how use the pen tool to cut out an image, and how to make custom shapes. By Melissa Clifton.
This is a simple tutorial showing how I altered the mask from the last tutorial (Freehand Painting with Photoshop). You can come up with a whole heap of different images just by experimenting with Photoshop. By Melissa Clifton.
I’m going to show you all the way I’ve do the applications interfaces or “skins” using Photoshop.
HUGE tutorial on how to make interfaces. Finally! The Interface tutorial you have been nagging about is here!
Jagged Edge Smothing
Lots of jaggies can be avoided when you use the anti-alias option (if available) with a particular tool as much as possible. In some situations jaggies still appear and I’m going to show you how to remove them.
You may already know the basics of the levels adjustment tool, but in this video, Geoff Riggs will show you a neat little trick you may not have known. Using this method you’ll be able to very quickly and effectively adjust the brightness and contrast of your image in a very intuitive manner.
Learn how to make a cool lighting FX in Photoshop.
Ever wanted to link two objects together in Photoshop so that they seem to weave in and out of each other, kind of like the Olympic rings? Well, it’s easier than you might think! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create this linking effect in just a couple very easy steps.
In today’s video tutorial, Geoff Riggs will show you how to create a quick and easy frame for your photographs simply using the eraser tool.
Post production work in Photoshop… Creating photorealistic painted hair techniques, details and final touch ups with Photoshop or any other painting program.
Painting Jealousy by Steven Stahlberg. The idea to this painting came when I sat down with my notebook in my sofa one evening, and tried to come up with something that was both upclose and personal, yet touched on larger issues, such as affairs of state. Preferrably involving only two people, because I find that can often be more intense. A royal assassination, I thought, and since I like Fantasy, it became an idea of two fairy sisters, one of them Queen, and a serious case of sibling jealousy. I added a sleeping husband in the background, to supply one more possible reason for jealousy. Later, I came up with a whole screenplay based on this and two of my other paintings featuring fairies.
This tutorial is here just to get you into the swing of things for vectoring. It will teach you the basics of how to vector in Adobe Photoshop 6+. Don’t use this tutorial as a basic walkthrough to an easy vector, use it to learn the basics of vectoring so you can than use these methods for your own work.
In today’s video tip, you will learn how to take a photo and transform it into an old-fashioned Polaroid photograph.
Many black and white images can be made much more interesting simply by adding a little color. In today’s tutorial, Geoff Riggs will show you how to paint color onto a black and white photo.
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make a red planet that look like its covered in red hot lava.
Resizing images and reducing file sizes for your Websites content with Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Editing images to load faster in Web browsers. If your images take to long to load then you could loose visitors so, it is best to optimize all of the images and graphics on your Website. For beginners to intermediate. This tutorial is for creating copies of your graphics for use on the Web, not for final saving of your originals.
Performing the sharpening on the L channel (Lightness) on an image in LAB mode would provide superior results.
I’ll show a simple way to create stars. Im not claiming this technique will create anything realistic, just something simple that looks like stars.
Sometimes the camera does TOO good a job of capturing all the details, especially when it comes to skin. A close-up portrait can sometimes reveal tiny bumps and roughness that we might not want to see. In this video, you’ll learn a very effective technique for smoothing out your skin in Photoshop.
Today’s tip is a two-for-one for those of you who want to know how to extract a person from an image. After learning how to do this, you’ll also learn how to turn that person into a statue in just a few simple steps.
The great thing about text effects is that they’re usually very easy to reproduce. In this tutorial, trainer Geoff Riggs will show you how to make a steel text effect, and then he’ll show you how to save this effect so that it can easily be applied to other layers in the future.
Creating a cool three state rollover button for Websites.
A tutorial showing you how to cover your text in toxic vapor.
Learn how to make the XP style loading progress bar.
By reading this tutorial you can make zip of your clothes!
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