Space Pirates Cover 2
“Space Pirates” Cover 2 1981 by Ralph Hawke Manis. Water color and Gouache for the artists comic book series entitled “Space Pirates”.
Futuristic art and design created with Bryce 3D, Autodesk Maya and or, touched up with Adobe Photoshop by Infinitee digital artist Ralph Hawke Manis.
“Space Pirates” Cover 2 1981 by Ralph Hawke Manis. Water color and Gouache for the artists comic book series entitled “Space Pirates”.
“Space Pirates” Cover 3 1981 by Ralph Hawke Manis. Water color and colored markers for the artists comic book series entitled “Space Pirates”.
Space Pirates” Cover 1 1981 by Ralph Hawke Manis. Watercolor and colored markers for the artists comic book series entitled “Space Pirates”.
“Space Art 2” 1988 by Ralph Hawke Manis of Infinitee Designs. Acrylic paint on canvas for the artists comic book. My second large painting 72’x40′.
“Space Art 1″ 1983 by Ralph Hawke Manis of Infinitee Designs. Acrylic paint on canvas for the artists comic book. My first large painting 72″x40”.
Big Joe 1986 by Ralph Hawke Manis of Infinitee Designs. Rendition of my good old friend Big Joe, head bouncer at the famed Danceteria night club in NYC
Lynn’s Patio 3D sensual, futuristic art nude. Woman’s body created with Poser, cityscape with Bryce 3D, hair and touch ups were done with Photoshop
Destiny CD cover art by Ralph Manis of Infinitee Designs for the band X Project out of Eureka, CA. 3D graphics created with Poser, Bryce 3D & Photoshop
Rate of Change – Save Our Ship 3D digital computer graphic art CD created with Bryce 3D and Photoshop 7 by Ralph Manis and Infinitee Designs
Destiny CD cover art by Ralph Manis for the band X Project out of Eureka, CA. 3D vehicle graphics created Bryce 3D text & special effects with Photoshop
Robot graphite pencil character sketch by Ralph Hawke Manis. Created with a standard number two pencil as a character study for the artists comic book
Lynn’s Patio Erotic, sensual, futuristic art nude. Graphite pencil sketch by artist Ralph Hawke Manis for the artists comic book entitled Space Pirates