Part 22 @ 11:14
I think I found a few of my problems. After loading the leftUpperArm_HDL and leftForeArm_HDL into the Node Editor I noticed a missing connection between the leftUpperArm_end_bind_JNT.worldMatrix[0] -> skinCluster9.matrix[1]. After making this connection the leftArm_mid_bind_JNT translates correctly.
At the same time I found some inconsistencies between my file and Emma. 1. Object Color connections and 2. World Matrix [0] connections. These diagrams are from Part 29 as that is where I am at this point after making the above correction (leftUpperArm_end_bind_JNT.worldMatrix[0] -> skinCluster9.matrix[1]).
After correcting these connections my arm geometry’s joint orientation reversed and I can not edit them via the Orient Joint Options window due to non-zero rotations.
joint -e -oj xyz -secondaryAxisOrient yup -ch -zso;
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftUpperArm_seg1_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftUpperArm_seg1_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftUpperArm_seg4_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftUpperArm_seg4_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftForeArm_seg1_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftForeArm_seg2_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftForeArm_seg3_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftForeArm_seg4_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Skipping leftForeArm_seg4_JNT: It has non-zero rotations. //
// Warning: line 0: Cannot perform joint orientation. Transform leftUpperArm_seg3_GEO has non-zero rotations. //