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Part 23 @11:08

Maya Learning Channel | Creating a Character Rig – Part 23: Stretch IK/FK arms

Part 23 @11:08

The MEL script for the right arm:

string $driver = "rightArm_IK_lengthShape.distance";
float $rightUpperArmLength = `getAttr rightForeArm_IK_JNT.translateX`;
float $rightForeArmLength = `getAttr rightHand_IK_JNT.translateX`;
float $sumLength = $rightUpperArmLength*-1 + $rightForeArmLength*-1;

setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $driver -driverValue $sumLength -attribute "translateX" -value $rightUpperArmLength rightForeArm_IK_JNT;

setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $driver -driverValue ($sumLength*2) -attribute "translateX" -value ($rightUpperArmLength*2) rightForeArm_IK_JNT;

setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $driver -driverValue $sumLength -attribute "translateX" -value $rightForeArmLength rightHand_IK_JNT;

setDrivenKeyframe -currentDriver $driver -driverValue ($sumLength*2) -attribute "translateX" -value ($rightForeArmLength*2) rightHand_IK_JNT;


Will fix the problem show below and a few others!

Part 23 @11:08 rightForeArmLength -1


Also for the right arm, the following image shows the exact curves that need to be set to Post Infinity > Linear in the Graph Editor.

Part 23 @11:08 - The exact curves that need to be set to Post Infinity > Linear in the Graph Editor” />


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