Home » Part 31 @3:58

Part 31 @3:58

Maya Learning Channel | Creating a Character Rig – Part 31: Hand global transform and cleanup

Part 31 @3:58 my leftPointer1_GEO’s pivot is not slightly off due to the creation of the straight joints and is already aligned with the result and other joints in that position yet, my geometry pulls away as if it is not.

Also the leftThumb1_GEO is stretching along the X axis but since it is on the restful angle that it is, this does not seem right. Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?


To fix the thumb goemetry… I found that my thumbs geometry had rotations in X, Y and Z that needed to be frozen.


My leftPointer1_GEO's pulling away and the leftThumb1_GEO stretching in the wrong direction.

Above: My leftPointer1_GEO’s pulling away and the leftThumb1_GEO stretching in the wrong direction.


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