I have tried to get this several times but, wind up with the same results. Using Maya 2017 and in Part 8 after grouping @ 9:22 my neck result chain did not follow along with the movements of the shoulder_CTRL. I continued on anyway up to Part 9 @ 2:29. At that point I tried something that worked…
To compensate for whatever I keep doing wrong, I grouped the neck result joints and named the group neck_result_JNT_GRP. Then replicating again Part 9 @1:05 only this time creating another Locator and naming it shoulderNeck_const_LOC and parent constrained it to the neck_base_result_JNT and again to the head_neck_GRP. This appears to be working the way it should and I am oping that this is a viable solution for my case but, I wonder if it may cause problems further on in the lessons.
I also had to create another locator named neckHead_const_LOC and parent it to the neck_base_result_JNT and then parent it to the head_CTRL.
Before grouping @ 9:22
Before adding second Locator named shoulderNeck_const_LOC and translating the shoulder_CTRL.
After adding second Locator named shoulderNeck_const_LOC and parent constraining it to the neck_base_result_JNT and again to the head_neck_GRP and then translating the shoulder_CTRL.