Home » Thorr Renders and Animations

Thorr Renders and Animations

Thorr Project

Thorr Renders and Animations – Some renders and test animations on the 3D character development. Thorr is one of the many characters I am working on for the Citadel 7 sci-fi book series by Yuan Jur. Directly below is the 2D illustration in full armor and then below that are the 3D renders and animations.


Thorr - 2D illustration in full armor


3D Renders:

Thorr - Render in full armorThorr - 3D RendersThorr - 3D RendersThorr - Zbrush Detail

Above: Thorr in full armor front, AO, back and with Zbrush details.

A few test animations…

Turntable view of rigged model.

Thorr Blend Shapes facial rig test.

Thorr range of motion test.


Thorr turntable.


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