Home » Angie 3D Portrait Tutorial & Digital Art Lessons 4

Angie 3D Portrait Tutorial & Digital Art Lessons 4

Body Textures, Background and Lighting

Finishing Body Textures
Selecting "Color Component" and adjusting "Specularity"

1. Creating Skin tone for the Neck and Chest-

Cursor 1a. Hold down Ctrl+Shift and click on the neck or, chest. Still holding down Ctrl+Shift, select all of the body parts that you want to apply your skin tone texture to.

Material Lab 1b. Click the "M" Material Lab or (Ctrl+M) to open the "Material Lab"

Arrow 1c. Click the "Arrow" Arrow in the upper right corner of the preview window to open the "Material Library" Click "Simple & Fast" and select the "Shinny Red Plastic" material then click the finish check mark Finish Check Mark.

Cursor 1d. Place pointer/cursor over the red oval in the "Diffuse" row, click and drag to select a color. Somewhere around light orange.

Bar 1e. Set "Specularity" to: 10.1 by dragging the bar or typing in settings and click the finish check mark Finish Check Mark. You may want to test render your scene to compare how your color choice matches your Face.psd texture and select another color if necessary.


*Tip: If you have not yet saved your file, now is a good time. Press Ctrl+S, name your file and Save. Do this often during creation to avoid loosing your work!


Creating Background Wall
View Top - Rotating and moving the

View Top – Rotating and moving the "Stretched Cube" up to the Head/Body object.


1. Create Background Wall- To receive back lighting and as a simple background.

Streched Cube 1a. Click "Create" then click the "Stretched Cube" Streched Cube. Click the "View" Arrow button and select "From Top" Place the Cursor Pointer/Cursor over the center "Y" axis, press and hold Ctrl then click and drag right to rotate 45° so that the "Stretched Cube" is facing the camera. Or, click the "A" Object Attributes Button and in the "Object Attributes" pop up menu type 45 in the Rotate Y axis (under the General tab).

Cursor 1b. Click and drag the cube so it is right behind the head/ body object. Place the Cursor Pointer/Cursor over one of the "Resize Handles" Hold down Alt, click and drag to enlarge the cube proportionately so that it is larger than the cameras viewing area.


*Tip: When moving objects, make sure you don’t click and drag on one of the re-sizing handles. If you do just press (Ctrl+Z) to undo.


View Arrow 1c. Click the "View" View Arrow button and select "Camera View"

2. To select a texture for the "Stretched Cube" Click "M" Material Lab or (Ctrl+M) to open the "Material Lab"

Arrow 2a Click the "Arrow" Arrow in the upper right corner of the first window to open the "Material Library" Click "Simple & Fast" and select the "Black" material then click the finish check mark Finish Check Mark. In the Material Lab hit the finish check mark Finish Check Mark.

2b. Click the "View" View Arrow button and select "From Top" to make sure your cube is not overlapping the Body/Head object. If it is then click and drag it back a little.


The Bryce 3D Create Palette
The Bryce 3D Create Palette


1. Creating a "Spotlight"

Spotlight 1a. Click "Create" then click the "Spotlight" Spot Light icon then the "A" Object Attributes Button to open the "Object Attributes" Under the "General" tab type
in the coordinate settings in the diagram below then click the finish check mark Finish Check Mark.


Setting the Spotlight’s Coordinates



1a. "Spotlight" Coordinates

Spotlight Attributes…

Origin X: -99.50, Y: 30.72 and Z: 99.01

Rotate X: 129.91, Y: 18.85 and Z: -87.12

Size X: 40, Y: 40 and Z: 40


View Arrow 1b. Click the "View" View Arrow button and select "Camera View"

2. Editing the "Spotlight"- Click "E" Edit Object to open the "Edit Object" menu.

Cursor 2a. In the top left widow, click and drag left or right and set to 8.

Cursor 2b. In the bottom left widow, click and drag left or right and set to 100.

Cursor 2c. You can change the color of the light with the small "Color Picker" Color Picker box on the bottom. For this tutorial it is set on white. Click the finish check
mark Finish Check Mark.

Create a "Radial Light" for Back Lighting…

Radial Light 3a. Click the "Radial Light" Radial Light icon then the "A" Object Attributes Button to open the "Object Attributes" Under the "General" tab type
in the settings listed in the diagram below then click the finish check mark Finish Check Mark.


Positioning the Radial Light
Positioning the Radial Light


View Arrow 3b. Click the "View" View Arrow button and select "Camera View"

Edit Object 3c. Click the "E" Edit Object to open the "Edit Object" menu.

Cursor 3d. In the top left widow, click and drag left or right and set to 16.

View Arrow 3e. Click the "Arrow" View Arrow icon and check mark Check Mark the "Volume Visible Light" then the finish check mark Finish Check Mark


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