Home » 3D Butterfly Tutorial 3

3D Butterfly Tutorial 3

Part 3 – Creating the Wings with the Symmetrical Lattice and the Bryce 3D Terrain Editor


Positioning the Wing and Duplicating

Positioning Wing
Clicking "Control Handles" and holding down Ctrl+Drag to rotate objects Rotate Icon.


Rotating Wing Model Object

1. Click Wing to select it if it’s not already selected. Click the Magnify button Magnify Button one or two times to zoom in on the project. this will only effect the window view and will not change the final render size or resolution.

2. Place cursor/pointer Cursor/Pointer over the right "X" axis, press and hold Ctrl., the "Rotate" icon will appear Rotate Icon now, still holding down Ctrl, drag to to the right to rotate it -90° so that it is facing the camera. Or, Click the "A" Object Attributes Button and in the "Object Attributes" pop up menu type -90 degrees in the Rotate X axis box (under the General tab). Click the Check Mark Finish Check Mark or press Enter.

3. Place cursor/pointer Cursor/Pointer over the top "Y" axis, press and hold Ctrl, the "Rotate" icon will appear Rotate Icon now, still holding down Ctrl, drag to to the right to rotate it -45° so that it is facing the camera. Or, Click the "A" Object Attributes Button and in the "Object Attributes" pop up menu type -45 degrees in the Rotate X axis box (under the General tab). Click the Check Mark Finish Check Mark or press Enter.

4. Click the "A" Object Attributes Button and in the "Object Attributes" pop up menu in the Object Name box type "Left Wing" and set the Size "Y" to 0.05. Click the Check Mark Finish Check Mark or press Enter.

5. Click the "Edit Family" button Edit Family directly underneath the "Objects Attributes" Object Attributes Button button and select a color for the Object and type in "Left Wing" to name the family color.

6. Click Wing to select it if it’s not already selected. Click the Magnify button Magnify Button one or two times to zoom in on the project. this will only effect the window view and will not change the final render size or resolution.


The Object Attributes Pop Up Settings

Wing Attributes

Wing Attributes…

Origin X: -19.87, Y: 30.68 and Z: 21.32

Rotate X: -90, Rotate Y: -45 and Z: 0

Size X: 20.48, Y: 0.5 and Z: 20.48


Apply the Above Attribute Settings


1. Set Wing attributes to the above settings.

* Tip: When moving objects, make sure you don’t click and drag on one of the re-sizing (corner) handles.

* Tip: Use the "Zoom In", "Zoom Out" and "Pan" tools (at the bottom lower right corner of scene window) to adjust the view of your scene. This does not effect objects or the camera position, just how it is viewed in the scene. Rendering will occur full screen.

* Tip: As you are selecting individual objects it is a good practice to rename them in the "Objects Attributes" Object Attributes Button editor’s "General" information tab.

* Tip: You can also create a "Family" by clicking the "Edit Family" button Edit Family directly underneath the "Objects Attributes" Object Attributes Button button. Doing this allows you to give individual or groups of objects a color and a name. This makes it possible to quickly select these designated groups of objects by clicking the "Time/Selection Palette Toggle" Time/Select Toggle (on the lower right corner) then the "Select Families" button Select Families. This is extremely helpful when working with complex scenes with large quantities of objects.

* Tip: To add an object to a family: Click an object to select it then click the "Edit Family" button Edit Family chose a color and type in a name for the family. Now you can select any other objects in your scene and click the "Edit Family" button Edit Family and add it to one of your families by selecting the color of a family.


Duplicating the Left Wing and Positioning the Right Wing

Positioning Right Wing

Duplicate Left Wing to make Right Wing then holding down Ctrl+Drag to rotate object Rotate Icon.


1. Click the "View" arrow Arrow and select From Top.

2. Press (Ctrl+D) to duplicate the Left Wing.

4. Click the "A" Object Attributes Button and in the "Object Attributes" pop up menu in the Object Name box type "Right Wing" and set the Size "Y" to 0.05. Click the Check Mark Finish Check Mark or press Enter.

5. Click the "Edit Family" button Edit Family directly underneath the "Objects Attributes" Object Attributes Button button and select a color for the Object (a different color than the left wing) and type in "Right Wing" to name the family color.

6. Place cursor/pointer Cursor/Pointer over the right "Y" axis, press and hold Ctrl., the "Rotate" icon will appear Rotate Icon now, still holding down Ctrl, drag to to the right to rotate it 45° so that it is facing the camera. Or, Click the "A" Object Attributes Button and in the "Object Attributes" pop up menu type 45 degrees in the Rotate Y axis box (under the General tab). Click the Check Mark Finish Check Mark or press Enter.

7. Click and drag the Right Wing so that it is in line with the Left Wing or add the attributes below.


Right Wing Object Attributes

Right Wing Attributes

Right Wing Attributes…

Origin X: -16.73, Y: 30.61 and Z: 21.12

Rotate X: 90°, Rotate Y: 45° and Rotate X:-180°.

Size X: 20.48, Y: 0.5 and Z: 20.46



Apply Above Attributes to the Right Wing


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